Low back pain with golf
Low back pain with golf? You are not alone. Low back pain is the most common complaint of golfers, from recreational to professional. Oftentimes, low back pain is the demonstration of the pain whereas the source of the pain is likely due to dysfunction elsewhere in the body. Our bodies like to take the path of least resistance, therefore frequently moving from where it’s easy, not necessarily where it’s right. Unlocking mobility at the mid back (known as the thoracic spine) and hips can help prevent and manage low back pain due to golfing. By improving upper thoracic spine/shoulder rotation and hip rotation, you can prevent excessive/forced movement through the lower back and avoid compensatory injuries from developing. Here are a few mobility exercises to try to help loosen up the thoracic spine and hips. As always, consult with a physical therapist or medical practitioner if you have any pain or specific questions on whether these are appropriate for you.